New York 11/12/2009 10:41:11 PM
News / Business

Lou Dobbs Quits CNN

Lou DobbsSource: New York Times

Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views have made him a TV lightning rod, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately.

Sitting before an image of an American flag on his television set, he said “some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day.”

“I’m considering a number of options and directions,” Mr. Dobbs added.

Mr. Dobbs has been with CNN since its founding, save for a two-year stint at a Web site called He has evolved over the years from a straight-laced business anchor to an outspoken commentator who rails against illegal immigration and taxpayer bailouts, among other subjects.

Lately, though, he has saved most of his opinions for his afternoon radio show, which made its debut in March 2008. It is on the radio show that he talked repeatedly about the conspiracy theory claims that President Obama is not a United States citizen. When he mentioned the citizenship issue on CNN over the summer, his bosses were forced to call it a “dead issue.”

Comments by American Grand Jury:

The liberal progressives are calling this a "victory." Of course the underlying suggestion is the libs are afraid of the "truth."

Here is an example of what the liberals have to say about Lou Dobbs:

“Our contention all along was that Lou Dobbs — who has a long record of spreading lies and conspiracy theories about immigrants and Latinos — does not belong on the ‘most trusted name in news,’” Roberto Lovato, a co-founder of, said in a statement. “We are thrilled that Dobbs no longer has this legitimate platform from which to incite fear and hate.”

Now Roberto is adding his spin to the debate but this is propaganda. It is the left who play the racism and hate cards to suit their needs, not people like Lou Dobbs.

Believe me when I say this. Many people admire Lou Dobbs. He will do just fine and people will continue to flock to his show wherever he ends up.

This is really a major loss for CNN.. but what the heck, CNN doesn't deserve Lou Dobbs anyway.