Atlanta 7/30/2013 12:43:17 AM
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Big Brother 15 Week 5 Nominations Recap: Aaryn’s Deal

Aaryn may have won HOH, but she realizes that her decisions this week need to be about what the house wants and not want she wants. After her HOH win, Aaryn insists she plans to honor her deal with Helen and Elissa. The deal was made last week when Aaryn was on the chopping block alongside Kaitlin and GinaMarie. In exchange for safety, Aaryn promised to throw the HOH competition or go with who Helen wanted nominated.

The only problem is Jessie tells Candice about the deal and Candice realizes that Howard, Spencer and herself will most likely be the targets. Candice then approaches Helen and asks her to prevent Aaryn from nominating her. Helen goes back to Aaryn and tells her what Candice said. She also claims Candice threatened her.

Helen suspects it was Elissa who told Candice about the deal because Elissa wanted Aaryn evicted last week. She turns on Elissa, telling her alliance that Elissa needs to go. She tells them that she will never vote against Elissa, but she also wouldn’t try to stop them from trying to evict her.

Spencer realizes he is probably on Aaryn’s list of potential nominees, so he approaches her about making a power move. Aaryn admits that she doesn’t want to nominate him, but she has to do what the numbers want because she has no alliance. Howard also encourages her to break away from Helen and make a big move, and Aaryn tells him the same thing she told Spencer. Candice’s attempt at flipping Aaryn is a little more detailed than Spencer and Howard’s. She tells Aaryn that Amanda and McCrae have been running the house since week 1 and should be nominated. Aaryn tells Candice she doesn’t want to hurt Amanda in any way because Amanda has been one of people keeping her safe.

Poppy Montgomery from CBS’ Unforgettable introduces the cop-themed Have/Have Not challenge. The house is divided into three teams. For the first part of the challenge, each team must stack evidence items on a small table as fast as they can. For the second part of the challenge, the teams must return the evidence to their original places in the evidence locker. The first two teams to correctly replace the evidence are Haves for the week. The losing team is the Have Nots. GinaMarie, Amanda, Candice and Judd lose the challenge and are this week’s Have Nots.

At the nomination ceremony, Aaryn honors her deal with Helen and nominates Howard and Spencer for eviction.


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