New York City 11/13/2009 6:20:51 AM
News / Business

Madoff Sanctioned By Prison For Taking Fruit From Dining Hall

Convicted Swindler Bernard Madoff Caught By Prison Officials Removing Contraband Items From Dining Hall

It's been reported by inmates at the Butner Federal Correctional Institute in North Carolina that convicted Ponzi Scheme Kingpin Bernard Madoff was caught by Federal Correctional Officers removing fruit from the dining hall after the noon meal. Madoff is serving a 150 year sentence for swindling thousands of investors out of billions of dollars worldwide.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later," said Larry Levine founder of consulting firm Wall Street Prison Consultants. "Hell, I knew people that were stealing flats of eggs, 144 of them at a time, entire chickens. Everyone lifts food from the dining hall."

While taking of dining halls items is a small infraction, the Bureau of Prison has several remedies to address it. Inmates in the know say Madoff was issued what's commonly called a "SHOT" or more formerly known as a disciplinary incident report. "It's kind of like getting a ticket," said Levine. "Any cop can write you up, then they hold this Kangaroo Court called a "UDC" (unit disciplinary committee) where they can dismiss it for lack of evidence, or sanction you and pull your visits, telephone or commissary privileges, or just hand out extra duty." 

Inmates say that Madoff was caught red handed by a rookie cop on the way out the door,  and the cop had a history of harassing inmates for petty offenses.