New York 7/31/2013 10:01:53 PM
News / Law

HAMP Lawyers Want to Hear From Consumers Denied Permanent Loan Modifications

The attorneys working with are investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of consumers who suspect they were wrongfully denied permanent modifications of their mortgages. It has been alleged that a number of banks are misleading and deceiving borrowers into believing they could obtain permanent loan modifications through the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) when, in reality, the bank had no intention of modifying borrowers’ loans as promised. If you experienced problems obtaining a permanent loan modification, the attorneys working with want to hear from you as they continue to investigate the loan modification practices of lenders across the country. For more information, please visit and report your complaints today. 

It has been alleged that a number of banks are offering their borrowers trial period plans, the successful completion of which would result in a permanent HAMP loan modification. Even though borrowers are paying the reduced monthly loan payments outlined in these contracts and submitting the requested documentation, allegations have surfaced that the banks are finding ways to avoid granting these permanent modifications. 

Consumers have complained of a number of problems, including that their bank failed to evaluate their eligibility for a HAMP loan modification in a timely manner, repeatedly requested the same financial information, “lost” documents they were required to submit, and invented “obstacles” in the evaluation process to delay or prevent them from obtaining permanent loan modifications. Furthermore, it has been alleged that mortgage loan servicers are profiting from delaying borrowers’ loan modifications. 

If you entered into a temporary loan modification contract and met all the requirements for the trial period, but never obtained a permanent modification of your home loan, you may have legal recourse. For more information, please visit today. 

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