Atlanta 8/2/2013 12:01:17 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 15 Week 5 Recap: Spencer Wins The POV

Situations change on a dime in the Big Brother house, and Aaryn is the perfect example of that. Just one week ago the majority of the house hated Aaryn for her mean and sometimes racist comments, but a deal with Helen last week and an HOH win has firmly integrated Aaryn into the strong alliance in the house.

In exchange for safety last week, Aaryn promised to throw the HOH or go with Helen’s choice of nominees. Aaryn kept her end of the deal and put Howard and Spencer on the chopping block because Helen, Amanda and McCrae are dead set on evicting Howard. Howard’s situation gets even worse when Amanda is revealed at Amercia’s MVP nominee. The house doesn’t know America is acting as the MVP, so suspicion and blame immediately falls on Howard. Howard does his best to kill the suspicion when Amanda confronts him, but Amanda’s is not buying his claims.

Jessie and Candice are picked to play in the veto competition along with Aaryn, Spencer, Howard and Amanda. Helen acts as host. The time travel-themed challenge required the players to college giant puzzle pieces and put them together to form a big Power of Veto. Jessie and Candice struggle big time. Amanda gets off to a good lead, but Spencer soon catches up to her. Spencer wins the veto.

Candice realizes Spencer’s veto win spells disaster for her game, so she approaches Helen about convincing Aaryn to keep her off the block. Helen claims Aaryn has made up her mind and there is nothing she can do. Candice calls her out on being the puppet master behind all the evictions. She also slams her for being willing to make a deal with Aaryn and other houseguests, but not with her when she needs it most. The confrontation prompts Helen to lie to her alliance about Candice threatening her and promising to come about the alliance if she is nominated.

At the nomination ceremony, Spencer removes himself from the chopping block and Aaryn names Candice the replacement nominee.


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