Nogales, Arizona 11/14/2009 8:51:02 PM
News / Law

The charge of “Treason” filed against President Obama in NC court (file #09R81)

Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III levels charge in an effort to avert what he described as a pending civil war

Strong charges by Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, a retired US Naval officer were leveled at Preisident Obama as part of a criminal complaint filed with the Clerk of Court, Catawba County, NC (file #09R81) and a copy of the indictment was sent by Certified Mail to District Attorney James C. Gaither (NC District 25B), for further action according to his Oath of Office.”

Some of the details follow:




The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people.


Said complaint was formally brought by a Military Officer (retired) of the United States of America. All United States Military Officers are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and such complaint is valid, explicit and proper; when an Officer is aware of such malfeasance of Treason by an offender it is that Officer’s SWORN duty to come forward and present such accusation and complaint;


The Military Officer who filed the complaint is Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III, retired, United States Navy and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy;


Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick on March 17, 2009 did hereby make such criminal accusation and complaint against Obama and presented said complaint before the U.S Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee;

An original photocopy of said complaint was submitted to the Grand Jury as evidence for immediate investigation;

See more details here