Free stock reports are available direct from You can get a free stock report on any company right from Get up to date stock information right from on NetSol Technologies, Inc. (NTWK) as well as other companies that you want to follow.
NetSol Technologies started the day higher than their previous close of 10.07, opening August 14th at 10.30. This was the highest the stock got by noon, going as low as 10.14. In 52 weeks, the stock went as high as 14.01 and dropped as low as 4.25.
The Company’s average volume over the last three months was 149,116 with a current volume of 37,277. The Company’s Market Cap was 84.72 million. There is more information on where there is a free stock report that you can see right on the site. With this report you can see where the stock currently sits and all information necessary to make a wise decision.
On August 14th, NTWK and BWise, a NASDAQ OMX company and the leading provider of enterprise Governance, Risk Management and COmpliance software, announced they are entered into a partnership agreement. This will benefit BWise customers in Saudi Arabia, as they will get local support and implementation resources for the BWise GRC platform.
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