The evalu-aire Training program focuses on utilizing screen testing technology and methodologies to professionally address routine indoor air quality concerns. Common indoor air allergens and irritants are discussed, including molds (toxins), pollens, fungal spores, fibers, dander, insect biodetritis, dust allergens, and others.
The next Atlanta evalua-aire training class is scheduled for March 17, 2007 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.
Participants in the program are assured the highest quality of instruction available utilizing the services and training of the Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory, an American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) EMLAP Accredited laboratory. Instruction is provided by Certified Indoor Air Quality Professionals (CIAQP) with over 20 years experience in the industry.
To find out more about the Atlanta evalu-aire Training Program please call Toll Free 866-419-3335 and ask for Manisha or Mark for more information. Call or email today as seating per session is limited
IEQ/Mold Training Schedule:
Please register me for the following IEQ Program:
IEQ/Mold Training Agenda
•Introduction to Pure Air Control Services/EDLab
•Introduction to IEQ
•Health Issues Relating to IAQ
•Indoor Air Contaminants (An inside view)
•Handling the evalu-aire Pro Kit
•Sampling Methodologies
•Report/Lab Interpretation
•Current IEQ Guidelines
•IEQ Standards
•Guided Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab™) Tour
Course instructors include:
· Mark Wozniak, CIAQP, MBA, VP
· Dr. Rajiv Sahay, CIAQP EDLab - Laboratory Manager
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