Middletown 8/17/2013 2:55:18 AM
News / Stocks

Get a Free Stock Report on Santa Fe Petroleum, Inc. (SFPI) At VIPStockReports.com

Free stock reports are available direct from VIPStockReports.com. You can get a free stock report on any company right from VIPStockReports.com. Get up to date stock information right from VIPStockReports.com on Santa Fe Petroleum, Inc. (OTCBB:SFPI) as well as other companies that you want to follow.

On August 16th SFPI opened at 0.05 which is down from the previous day’s close of 0.08. It did not stay down however as the daily range was between 0.05 and 0.09. Over the past 52 weeks, the stock went as low as 0.01 but managed to rise as high as 2.27.

The Company had a volume of 72,623 and their average of the last three months was 47,234. With a market cap of 4.04 million. For more information on the Company, go to VIPStockReports.com where there is a free stock report that you can see right on the site. With this report you can see where the stock currently sits and all information necessary to make a wise decision.

On August 14th, Santa Fe Petroleum, Inc. announced the signing of a contract for the purchase of mineral interest land leases for 320 acres in Jack County, Texas. Santa Fe has always maintained a policy of stringent guidelines for the selection of its drilling projects to reduce risk as much as possible.

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