Cincinnati 8/20/2013 12:29:14 AM
News / Law

What Will The Florida Governor Do

Governor of Florida has decision to make regarding marijuana case

In the next several days the Governor of Florida has a decision to make.

Does he continue the lock up of Thomas R Geers, who is completing a 22 year Federal Prison Term for trafficking marijuana, or does he show mercy and set this man free.

Twenty-two years ago Thomas R Geers was found guilty of four counts of marijuana trafficking and sentenced to Federal Prison for four concurrent 25 year terms. Each term was to run at the same time with the other. That prison term is about to end, which would set Mr. Geers free.

However the State of Florida wants to continue to punish him for the same crime. Florida found Geers guilty of the same marijuana charges while he was serving in Federal Prison. So, in essence, Florida wants Geers to serve another 20 years for a crime the Feds have already punished him for. Seems merciless.

Mr Geers is not part of a gang, is non-violent, and has a clean record as a prisoner.

He has helped prisoners learn how to read and has shared the Good News with any of those behind bars who wanted to listen.

His health is deteriorating, he is 67 years old, and will be on Federal probation for the next 5 years. It is not like he will be free. Yet Florida still wants him in prison for another 20 years.  It is not like he has no place to go. His siblings are happy to care for him.

Perhaps this case is not unusual. And if not it goes far in explaining the wasted dollars the State of Florida is willing to spend to make a point. This is a tremendous cost to the residents of Florida to house this non violent criminal. What is the purpose.

If Florida were to agree to make his sentence concurrent with the Federal sentence than his sentence would be considered served and he can go home to family.

In the next several days the Florida Governor has a decision to make. For the good of the taxpayers of Florida, and mercy to a man who has served his time, set Thomas R Geers free.