Percocet has been used successfully to treat various physical pains and surgery recovery. Since it is a combination of a combination of oxycodone, a strong narcotic pain killer, and acetaminophen, better known as the main ingredient of Tylenol, a less strong pain killer, it relieves pain effectively.
Take it for more than 2 or 3 weeks, though, and you may face a worse problem than a pain in the neck: You become severely addicted to it.
The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia warns that abuse of Percocet can lead to drug addiction, and in some cases, death by overdose. “Many people come to us who started out with either a surgery or a sprain, were prescribed Percocet, and then became addicted,” states Mary Rieser, Executive Director for The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia. “They think everything is fine, the pain is gone, but if the pain persists, they get another prescription, and another, and soon they can’t function without it.”
The problem is that the body develops first a tolerance to the drug, making larger dosages necessary for the same pain relief, then develops a dependence, meaning it cannot function without it.
“Someone trying to stop Percocet addiction cold turkey will have flu-like symptoms, but 50 times worse,” explains Ms. Rieser. “You shake, sweat and vomit and suffer the worst pain imaginable. This makes it very difficult to get off of Percocet once you are hooked.”
This pain, or fear of it, make people, once law-abiding, turn to illegal activities to just function normally.
“Many people have turned from Percocet to heroin, or in some cases start doctor-shopping. Unfortunately, many get Percocet off of the internet, where un-scrupulous web-sites don’t even require a prescription.
“Many teenagers are starting to abuse prescription drugs, such as Percocet, that they find in medicine cabinets. Make sure to lock any prescriptions up and talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.
“The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia is a non-traditional drug rehab facility. With a gentle withdraw protocol, and after completing the Sauna Detox program, the cravings for Percocet are reduced, if not completely eliminated, according to our students. If you suspect that someone you know is abusing Percocet or any other prescription drug, call us. We can help.”