Atlanta, Ga. 11/20/2009 1:13:50 AM
News / Law

Judge Rules U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Negligent in New Orleans Flooding Caused by Hurricane Katrina

A judge has ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were partly responsible for the massive flooding that swallowed New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit the city in 2005.


The federal judge found in favor of six residents and a business who filed a complaint against the Corps for its failure to maintain a navigational channel that led to the flooding.


According to US district judge Stanwood Duval the Corps’ failure to maintain the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet “doomed the channel to grow to two to three times its design width" and "created a more forceful frontal wave attack on the levee.”


Nearly 80% of New Orleans was flooded by the devastating hurricane and more than 1,800 people died in the areas hit by Katrina.


Damages totaling $720,000 was awarded due to the ruling but many now believe the ruling with spark thousands of more claims against the Corps, leaving the government responsible for damages caused by the negligence.




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