Atlanta, GA 11/20/2009 1:27:22 AM
News / Education

Helpful Prescription Drugs, Abused, Can Be Deadly

Prescription Drug Abuse Causes Rising Death Tolls

There is a misconception that prescription drugs, because they are prescribed by a doctor, are safe, and  for someone who has just undergone surgery or has gone to a doctor for a sprain, prescription drugs can be a God-send.

The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia warns that the abuse of these drugs can lead to a deadly drug addiction.

“Doctors are often considered by many as the final authority on health,” states Mary Rieser, Director of The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia. “Prescriptions made by a doctor are considered safe, so if one is in pain and is given a prescription for pain relief medication, it is also considered safe. However, many are becoming addicted to these medications without realizing it, becoming the fastest growing population of drug addicts in the country.”

New drugs released, such as OxyContin and Percocet, had a far higher rate of drug addiction than was originally estimated.

Unfortunately, after the new drug addict can’t get another prescription filled, there is always the internet.

“A new report from CASA, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, stated that of the 365 websites that were found selling prescription drugs online, just two were certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, and 85 percent sold drugs without a prescription,” continues Ms. Rieser.

Unfortunately, these are not the most alarming facts.

The ones most affected: Teens.

-Prescription drug abuse among teens and young adults now ranks 2nd in the nation as the largest drug problem behind marijuana. 
-Teens appear to think that abusing prescription drugs is safer than using illegal drugs, according to reports.  Teens think that it is “a safe medical high.”
- These are cheap, and teens can almost always find it in medicine cabinets at home or in the homes of family and friends. 
-Girls are more likely to abuse prescription drugs than boys. 
-The most commonly abused prescriptions among teens are Vicodon and OxyContin
-One–third of all new prescription drug abusers in 2005 were between the ages of 12-17, and these numbers are on the rise, according to the DEA.
– The most commonly abused drug in 12-13 year olds is prescription drugs
-More than half of teens surveyed,  57%, stated that prescription drugs are easier to get than street drugs. 
-In the last 10 years, teens going to treatment for prescription drugs has increased 300%.

“Lock up your prescription drugs,” warns Ms. Rieser. “Be aware that if you take a prescription drug longer than 2 or three weeks, you have a high risk of drug addiction.

The Atlanta Recovery Center Drug Rehab in Georgia is a non-traditional drug rehab facility. With a gentle withdraw protocol, and after completing the Sauna Detox program, the cravings for prescription drugs are reduced, if not completely eliminated, according to our students. If you suspect that someone you know is abusing a prescription drug, call us. We can help.”