Sterling silver is easily the highest quality replica jewelry on the market because sterling silver is an actual precious metal. Sterling silver is not plated or bonded but an affordable alternative to higher priced white metals such as white gold or platinum. Due to its durability and weight, sterling silver allows for more detailed designs which makes for a more desirable piece. has one of the largest selections online and the best in terms of price and quality. We carry pendants and chains and earrings among many others. One of the most popular pieces that we carry is the master crafted micro pave iced out sterling silver pendants.
This is the Holy Grail of replica hip hop pendants. Our micro pave pendants look and feel just like genuine white gold and diamond jewelry in every way. Whether you observe these from three feet or 3 inches away you will not believe your eye when you see the amazing quality of these sterling silver jewelry pieces. These are on another level all by themselves and shouldn’t even be called replica jewelry.
They are made from genuine sterling silver meaning a heavy weight, small details and the elegant finish of a real precious metal. You get the same finish as genuine white gold because the entire piece is coated in rhodium, so you won’t be able to tell a difference even if it is next to a real $10,000 white gold pendant.
The stones make these pendants especially nice. They are top grade cubic zirconias that are micro pave set, or handset using microscopes for a look that resembles a cluster of blinding shimmer. The finish, the shine and the details on each and every one of these sterling silver pendants are incredible. So if you want a top of the line, high quality piece without spending high-quality money, don’t settle for anything less than the best and highest quality replica jewelry online.
Hip hop bling focuses on quality and value, not just price. While some other sites offer cheaper low quality products with a plastic core, flash plated finishes and cloudy, stuck on stones, Hip hop bling takes our quality to another level. We are the only site on the internet that use solid metal and brass cores on all our jewelry, giving the piece the look but most importantly the feel of real fine jewelry. The stones on our products are high quality diamond simulates that actually sparkle like real diamonds in a crisp and clear manner. On higher quality VIP jewelry and premium jewelry, our stones are genuine cubic zirconias or Czech crystals which have similar physical properties to that of genuine diamonds.