Houston, TX 11/24/2009 1:31:54 AM
News / Business

Twist 25 DHEA Cream – Feel Great Look Great and maximize immunity. Reduce your risk of getting the flu.

Reduce your risk of getting the flu.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) levels begin to decline after age 25. DHEA is the most abundant compound we use to produce hormones.


Regain energy levels and fight that extra fat pad around the midsection and also maximize immunity.


In the book titled Renewal: The Anti-Aging Revolution by Timothy J. Smith, M.D., he writes


“Does DHEA rejuvenate immune function? You bet. It boosts antibody production; enhances the activity of monocytes, immune cells that attack cancer cells and viruses; activates natural killer cells, immune cells that attack and destroy viruses and other foreign invaders; and maximizes the anti-cancer function of immune cells known as T lymphocytes. In aging laboratory animals, DHEA restores youthful levels of cytokines (immune chemicals involved in protection and healing) and reduces the production of autoantibodies (antibodies that attack healthy tissues). When administered concurrently with a flu vaccine, DHEA dramatically improved the effectiveness of the vaccine in aging mice and in older humans.”

Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream helps reduce effects of DHEA depletion.

Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream maintains youthful energy levels and supports overall health.


Dr. John Woodward, of Medical City Dallas indicates that Twist 25 DHEA Supplement Cream boosts immune response, and thereby reduces the risk of flu infection to include H1N1 (Swine Flu).


Thousands of people use Twist 25 DHEA cream because it delivers the many benefits of DHEA - DHEA the right way.


The first benefits users notice is feeling leaner and fitter. Twist 25 is pharmaceutical grade absorbable DHEA rubbed into the skin daily.


Maintaining youthful DHEA levels is a safe and effective way to maintain an active lifestyle, and look and feel better too.  Other research shows DHEA improves cognition, supports the cardiovascular system, helps skin hydration and bone density, mood and sleep.


You can look and feel your best providing your body the basic building block it uses. Get leaner fitter and support your immune system.

Twist 25 DHEA Cream is the highest quality DHEA supplement cream available.

·         No chemical preservatives

·         No sodium bicarbonate

·         No Soy Lecithin

·         Paraben free

·         No cyclodextrins

·         Rubs in quickly and cleanly

·         Leaves no oily residue

·         Leaves no odor

Twist 25 DHEA cream melts on contact with skin to provide DHEA with a pleasant texture and clean fresh feeling. Twist 25 cream has small particle size for better DHEA penetration and stability.


Twist 25 DHEA Cream is made with Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils with antioxidants - CoQ-10 and vitamin E


Click here www.twist25.com for Twist 25