Arizona 11/26/2009 10:30:42 AM
News / Education

American Grand Jury launches New Home Page for our members and the public

Loaded with MENU Items this page shares all the details of American Grand Jury

Loaded with MENU Items this page shares all the details of what American Grand Jury can do for YOU!

Would you like to sign up for a Grand Jury, Get our Newsletter, Serve Presentments, Produce a AGJ Video, be a Guest on BlogTalk, write Articles or AGJ News Releases.. even become an American Grand Jury Affiliate? 

Today, the NEW HOME PAGE of American Grand Jury is up and running and ready to help you make that NEXT step. Get involved NOW! 

** NEW ** American Grand Jury introduces a major new program! If you would like to form your OWN Grand Jury in your local city or town, we will help you.. [certain restrictions do apply].. It’s about time some of our citizens serve Grand Jury criminal charges against local corrupt politicians and officials.. You can find this Menu Item and MORE on our Home Page…


Almost 8,000 page hits on our fund-raising site after only one week.. check it out!

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