Campbell, BC – As fans and spectators we’re captivated by the narrative of sports: the drama and tension that accompanies the outcome of each pitch, each possession; the pressure on the player to deliver in the moment of truth.
But what separates the professional athlete from the elite superstar, the champion from the runner-up? For personal sports coach Dale Trenholm, it’s all mind over matter.
“I’ve always been searching: what makes a successful athlete?” says Trenholm. “I’m 50 now but I think I’ve finally got a good grasp on it. The successful athlete is the average person with laser focus.”
Sports have been Trenholm’s passion since he was six years old. Once an outstanding collegiate pitcher and hockey goalie, Trenholm has since dedicated his career to working with athletes to improve their mental approach and reach their goals for performance.
“I want to help athletes become the best they can be and grow as a person in sport and life,” says Trenholm.
According to Trenholm, the modern athlete spends too much time on physical conditioning and not enough time on mental preparation. Though the physical demands required at each level vary from sport to sport, the mental preparation and focus necessary to succeed is always the same. Your mind is where you will reach your full potential; your body is just a tool to get it done.
“I’ve been working with an MMA fighter Oren Hanscomb and I’m constantly telling him to be in the moment,” says Trenholm. “Being in the moment is a lightning fast way to think. The game slows down. Everything flows. When there’s total focus, there’s no pressure. If you can learn to follow the appropriate patterns of your thoughts you can manifest success.”
Still, says Trenholm, there’s one other crucial component to the successful athlete: the will to win. From this concept, Trenholm has developed his W.I.N. Program, which asks, “Are you willing to do what is necessary to reach your highest potential with your sport?”
“What made Michael Jordan so inspiring was his competitive fire,” says Trenholm. “He wanted to be in those pressure situations and he was never afraid to miss. It’s a lesson that can be applied to any challenge we face.”
Close-Up Talk Radio will feature Dale Trenholm in a six-part interview with Doug Llewelyn on September 23rd, September 30th, October 7th, October 28th, November 4th and November 18th at 7pm.
Listen to the show If you have a question for our guest, call (347) 996-3389.
For more information on Dale Trenholm, visit