Richmond, VA 3/22/2007 2:22:12 AM
News / Business

Presidential Candidate Jim Gilmore Has Something to Say at

2008 Presidential candidates have been invited to post a ‘platform’ video at  “We are pleased to announce Presidential Candidate Jim Gilmore's campaign committee has uploaded 3 videos. As each candidate uploads their ‘platform’ video viewers will be given a clearer picture as to how the candidate will serve the country as President of the United States.",said Marketing Director of  

"We know the internet will play an active roll in the 2008 election and we are making sure that  not only gives a place for the candidates to post their views, but for viewers to comment and or express their opinions through commentary or by posting their own  ‘news’ video on Who knows what will prove most effective in getting candidates information out to voters and just as importantly, citizens opinions to the candidates… but we are committed in helping with the process” ,states Marketing Director.

According to the principles at there is a plan for an aggressive online advertising campaign to make sure people know the interactive news site is available with links to all daily and weekly USA newspapers.  Additionally, they plan to incorporate viewer comments and the poll results in all media campaigns.

For more information or to post your own comments or video please visit or