Middletown 9/25/2013 9:14:35 PM
News / Stocks

Get a Free Stock Report on American Community Development Group, Inc. (ACYD) At LeadingStockAlerts.com

Free stock reports are available direct from LeadingStockAlerts.com. You can get a free stock report on any company right from LeadingStockAlerts.com. Get up to date stock information right from LeadingStockAlerts.com on American Community Development Group, Inc. (ACYD) as well as other companies that you want to follow.

American Community Development Group, Inc. opened today at 0.0043 which is higher than the Company’s previous close at 0.0032. However it is not the highest the stock has been today as the day’s range went as high as 0.0055 and dropped only to 0.0039. The Company has a volume of 43,844,392 with an average three month volume of 8,294,217. Over the last year, the stock rose up to 0.0038 and as low as 0.0005.

You check this information with charts and current information by typing in the stock symbol to get a free stock report at www.LeadingStockAlerts.com. All the information you need is all there, get your free stock report and make the best possible investment decision.

On Friday September 20th, Wialan Technologies announced that the board of directors have approved an aggressive strategy to tighten up its share structure and decrease the float up to one hundred million shares.

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