Atlanta, Ga. 12/1/2009 2:17:12 AM
News / Law

Washington State Police Identify Suspect in Brutal Murders of Officers, Hunt Continues

Washington State police are continuing their manhunt for Maurice Clemmons, the man suspected of shooting to death four officers inside a coffee shop on Sunday morning.


Earlier on Monday police and armed Swat team members converged on a house that they believed Clemmons had been hiding in but after searching the home officers found no sign of the suspect.


Clemmons, 37, is believed to be responsible for killing four police officers; Sgt Mark Renninger, Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Greg Richards. The murdered officers had been inside the café in Parkland, Washington in Pierce County preparing for their shift.


Police have now said that Clemmons may have been struck in the attack and according to those who know the suspect he suffered a gunshot wound to the torso.


Reports have suggested that the attack on the officers was a planned as no other people inside the coffee shop were injured in the shooting.




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