Atlanta, Ga. 12/1/2009 11:54:52 PM
News / Law

Suspect in Murders of Washington State Police Officers Gunned Down

The suspect in the murders of four Washington State police officers was shot and killed by a Seattle policeman early Tuesday morning.


According to reports the officer spotted Maurice Clemmons, ordered him to freeze and when the suspect attempted to flee the officer shot him. Clemmons is suspected of entering a Pierce County coffee shop on Sunday morning and opening fire on the four officers as they were preparing for their shift.


Police launched a massive manhunt for Clemmons but several leads turned up empty until Tuesday morning’s sighting. The officer had spotted a vehicle that had been reported stolen and was asking questions about the car when he noticed a man moving behind him. When the officer turned he noticed Clemmons and when he attempted to run the officer fired several rounds.


Clemmons was found to be carrying a handgun that had been taken from one of the officers killed on Sunday. Police have arrested at least four people who are suspected of helping Clemmons avoid arrest and as many as seven more could be detained for aiding the suspected killer.




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