Atlanta 10/4/2013 12:29:54 AM
News / Entertainment

Survivor Blood Vs Water Recap: Colton Quits, John Is Blindsided

Last night’s episode of Survivor stars at Galang with Colton still struggling to accept that his tribe refuses to participate in chaos and discord. Aras gives him a pep talk, advising him to site for a few minutes and enjoy where he is at.

Galang and Tadhana meet at the Redemption Island arena where Candice, Marissa and Rachel will compete in the next duel. Tyson immediately suspects Rachel was voted out simply to tempt him to switch places with her, which would weaken Galang. Tyson doesn’t hide his anger. He leaves the choice to switch up to Rachel and she advices him to stay with Galang. Marissa then sounds off on Brad controlling Tadhana. That somehow prompts Colton to start crying and declare he wants to leave the game. Jeff Probst slams him for being selfish and tries to give Colton a second to change his mind, but Colton is adamant about leaving. “We brought a quitter back and we got a quit again,” Jeff says, referencing Colton’s departure in One World by feigning appendicitis.

For the duel, the girls must place wood blocks on a platform and knock them down domino-style to release a ball at the end. The first two players to release their balls remain on Redemption Island. The losing player leaves the game for good. Candice dominates again, leaving Marissa and Rachel to battle for the last spot on Redemption. Marissa pulls through with her second redemption win. Rachel is eliminated.

The immunity/reward challenge involved two castaways wrestling with foam pillows on a platform in the water. The tribes earn one point for each opponent they knock into the water. Tadhana took an early lead, but lost it when Aras schooled Vytas and the girls lost to their moms. Tyson suffered a minor injury but can remain in the game. Galang earns another win.

Back at Tadhana’s cam, the guys initially seem decided on eliminated Katie or Ciera, but then Brad suddenly decides John can’t be trusted and must go. He gives a sound argument about John being dangerous because his wife Candice is dominating Redemption duels and giving him clues to the hidden immunity idol. Hayden and the guys are reluctant to break their all guys alliance and there is some talk of blindsiding Brad. Katie and Ciera are on board with either plan because they would both be safe.

At Tribal Council, John is successfully blindsided. He joins Candice and Marissa at Redemption Island.


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