Middletown 10/4/2013 7:07:21 AM
News / Stocks

Get a Free Stock Report on Baroma Inc. (BRMA) At VIPStockReports.com

Free stock reports are available direct from VIPStockReports.com. You can get a free stock report on any company right from VIPStockReports.com. Get up to date stock information right from VIPStockReports.com on Baroma Inc. (BRMA) as well as other companies that you want to follow.

Baroma Inc. opened today lower than their previous close at 0.18 while their close was 0.25. They managed to increase their stock to 0.23 but it also dropped to 0.15 and is currently at 0.16. The Company has a volume of 75,865 and an average 3 month volume of 1,095.

If you want to see more about this company, you can get a free stock report at www.vipstockreports.com. At VIPStockReports.com, you will find more information just by typing in the stock symbol in the box.

Today, October 3rd, Baroma, Inc. announced their engagement with Atlanta’s Premedex patient communication and care coordination solutions. This new technology platform as their ACO O.S. will allow the Company to scale up and across to better support their growth and quickly adopt to evolving care delivery models nationally.

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