Seattle, WA 3/24/2007 4:00:00 PM
News / Business

Presidential Candidates Are Invited to Post Their Platform Video on, an interactive news site, featuring all the United States daily and weekly newspapers has invited the 2008 Presidential candidates to post their videos on the web site.

“These elections will be different than any other whether it is for the party nomination or for President.  The Internet will be playing a greater part in which candidate will win the nomination to their party and eventually the President of the United States. We think our site is just one more source for candidates to be seen and heard and another opportunity for citizens to know what the candidates stand for," said the Marketing Director for XFuseNews. 

Even though it is early in the race for ’08 President,  has set-up a poll listing the currently declared candidates and those who are considering running for President.  “It will be interesting to see how the polls will change as each candidate’s platform becomes available to potential voters.   A clear picture of what the candidate stands for and how they will run the country when elected could definitely change who the voters elect as President in November of 2008. Our poll section will be monitored to see how visitors to our site will be commenting on what they read in the newspapers and to how they might be inclined to vote." continued Marketing Director.

According to the principles at there is a plan for an aggressive online advertising campaign to make sure people know the interactive news site is available with links to all daily and weekly USA newspapers.  Additionally, they plan to incorporate viewer comments and the poll results in all media campaigns.

According to the principles at there is a plan for an aggressive online advertising campaign to make sure people know the interactive news site is available with links to all daily and weekly USA newspapers.  Additionally, they plan to incorporate viewer comments and the poll results in all media campaigns.