Las Vegas 10/16/2013 9:07:17 PM
News / Law

An Overview of the Disability Benefits Checklist from a Social Security Attorney in Las Vegas

If you’re missing a piece of information that’s listed on this checklist, your claim could be unnecessarily denied or delayed. While you could handle gathering all of these documents on your own, working with a Social Security attorney in Las Vegas can help expedite the process.

What the Checklist Requires

The checklist covers two areas of your application for benefits:

• The actual disability application
• Your disability report

Depending on your scenario, certain things may be required for each. For the disability application, these include:

• The dates of any of your marriages or divorces
• The names of your spouse, any dependent children under the age of 18, and their birth dates
• Any military discharge information (Form DD-214)
• Your most recent W-2 or IRS-1040
• Your bank account number and routing information, in the event that you want your benefits directly deposited

Clearly, gathering most of this information won’t require the help of a Social Security attorney in Las Vegas. Your disability report, though, is an entirely different matter.

The Disability Report Checklist

You’ll need to include all of the following information when filing your disability report:
• The names, addresses, and phone numbers of someone familiar with your medical condition who is also willing to help with the claim (your Social Security attorney in Las Vegas is perfectly suited for this role)
• Details regarding any medical treatment received from doctors, clinics, or hospitals, including the dates, names, address, your patient ID number, and phone numbers
• The medications your taking, as well as the name of the person who prescribed them
• Information regarding the medical tests you've had, including their names, dates, and the name of the person who ordered them
• The five jobs you had before becoming disabled, or your employment history for the last fifteen years, including the dates of your employment
• Details regarding any workers compensation or insurance claims you've filed, including claim numbers, and contact information for the insurance company

As you can see, it can quickly become difficult and complicated to gather all of this information without the help of a Social Security attorney in Las Vegas. Add to that the fact that missing a pertinent piece of information could result in additional delays of your much needed benefits, and it should become rather clear that working with a Social Security attorney in Las Vegas is a wise idea, even though you’re not required to, under any circumstances.

These forms aren't meant to be complicated, though. They’re designed to help provide the government with all of the information they’ll need to make a decision on your claim. When everything is filled out properly, and all of the pertinent information is provided, your claim will be processed quickly and efficiently, which is yet another reason to work with an attorney if you must file for Social Security disability benefits.

For more information, please visit

Attorney Neil Good is a member of the national attorney network on

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