Atlanta 11/5/2013 2:29:38 AM
News / Food & Beverage

If You Want to Save on Coffee World Trader Coffee is Always Fresh Roasted and Priced Below Retail

World Trader Coffee is well known for having the best coffee from all over the world. We have coffees from every corner of the coffee belt, including African coffee, Caribbean coffee, Hawaiian coffee, Asian coffee and of course Central, South American and Indonesian coffees. We are proud to offer single origin coffees from all the major coffee growing regions in the world. Whether you choose an African coffee or a South American coffee, your morning cup with always be premium arabica coffee.

One of the most distinguished coffees that we sell is the Celebes Sulawesi coffee. This is a world class coffee grown on the southern part of Sulawesi and has a rich and heavy body. It is characterized by its low acidity, creamy texture and nutty overtones and is remembered as an intensely fragrant coffee. On an interesting note, regardless of where it was grown, whether grown in estate or small family farms, Sulawesi coffee is a much sought after specialty coffee.

Fly to Kenya where we find another delicious coffee, the Kenyan AA coffee. It is important to note that “AA” is not necessarily a type of coffee, rather it is referring to the size of the bean itself “AA” is generally considered the largest bean. This particular coffee is known for its powerful, bright coffees and complex undertones of citrus to berry to winey. The word that best fits Kenya AA coffee is vibrant.

Finally, the most sought after coffee in the world, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is available through World Trader Coffee. It is famous among coffee connoisseurs around the world for its exquisite flavor, good acidity and clean, refined taste. It is also known for its unusual sweetness, excellent body and intensely bold aroma.

World Trader Coffee accepts all major credit cards as well as paypal. This is an SSL Volusion secured site.

For information on these incredible savings and on all our coffee contact us: Customer Care staff by phone at 877-303-JAVA (5282).