Texas 12/10/2009 3:21:50 PM
News / Education

Goooh is putting the “GO” back into cleaning up politics!

Tim Cox from Goooh shares the lastest PR with American Grand Jury

Tim Cox, the Founder of Goooh.com recently shared a Press Release with American Grand Jury. So far the release has generated thousands of website hits in a matter of a few days.

Many are not aware of this but we have quite a few American Grand Jury members that are members of GOOOH! Goooh has a master plan that fits right in with our agenda. GET RID of the “dead and corrupt wood” in Washington. Goooh is growing in membership and direction. If there is anything we at American Grand Jury can do to help we would like to.

Goooh logoHere is the latest PRESS RELEASE from Goooh.. thanks to Tim Cox for sharing this:

Get Out Of Our House, or
GOOOH (pronounced “go”), is a rapidly growing national movement to replace all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. They are approaching half a million Web site visitors..

read the complete news story here..