New York 12/11/2009 2:38:42 AM
News / Education

Drug Addiction Treatment Center in CT warns of marijuana perception

Marijuana decriminalization debate has distorted perceptions of the drug

Mountainside Addiction Treatment Center in Connecticut has found that more and more individuals of all ages coming into treatment who speak of hearing so much about prospective legalization of marijuana in various states for medical purposes that they convinced themselves that it is an acceptable drug for them to experiment with and to regularly use.
There are reputable people who want to see marijuana used for pain relief in certain individuals at certain points in their lives. The message needs to be conveyed clearly and with an understanding that there can be good medical uses for marijuana, but it must be rigidly controlled because the usage of marijuana for pleasure purposes can lead to heavy addiction.

Marijuana addiction is considered by the drug treatment field to be the consequence of its habitual use. It can be physically, mentally and emotionally addictive with the consequences of the heavy use of marijuana negatively affecting the individual physically, mentally and emotionally. It is now among the most widely used of illicit drugs in this country and the most commonly treated one in alcohol and drug rehabs.

Marijuana’s other serious consequence is that it is has been determined to be a gateway drug. Users find themselves being euphoric as a result of using marijuana, and they then are likely to try other drugs as well.
Drug rehabs are finding more and more that individuals coming into treatment for heroin or cocaine addiction will have started their drug using with marijuana.

Advocates for the use of marijuana for medical reasons understand how the consequences of its misuse can be so serious. There is an obvious difference in prescribing marijuana for an individual dying of cancer and in severe pain. The remote possibility of addiction at this point in that person’s life is not the problem. Many of those advocating the use of marijuana for medical reasons believe that it would be preferable to de-criminalize the use of marijuana while having it be a substance that can be obtained only by prescription from a licensed medical person authorized to prescribe medications.

Drug Addiction Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.  Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of evidence-based and cutting edge innovative treatment options.

In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical staff, Mountainside’s medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with specialization in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. Psychiatric services are available when needed. Please contact us at the number below or visit it's website at (

If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please contact us at: 800-762-5433