Hollywood Florida 12/15/2009 12:25:03 AM
News / Business

Tiger Woods Memorabilia Secret Sale

Hollywood Collectibles is having a secret sale on all Tiger Woods memorabilia.  The sale is for Monday December 14, 2009.  All Tiger Woods Memorabilia is 15% off.  Just mention this article and you will receive 15% off Tiger Woods memorabilia.  All Tiger Woods memorabilia comes with a certificate of authenticity.  This certificate of authenticity is backed by Hollywoodcollectibles.com.  For all your sports memorabilia needs be sure to visit http://www.hollywoodcollectibles/ on a daily basis to see what’s new.


Recently Accenture has decided to drop Tiger Woods as one of their top endorsers.  Nike chairman and co-founder Phil Knight stated that his company will be doing the exact opposite.   They will continue to have Tiger Woods as their number one endorser.   Prior to Tiger Woods signing with Nike they did a background check and it came out clean.  “I think he’s been really great.  When his career is over, you’ll look back on these indiscretions as a minor blip, but the media is making a big deal out of it now,” says Knight.  Tag Heuer also announced that they will continue their association with Woods.