Song Backer, Inc., a new music tech startup has launched its beta site and is looking for musicians to sign up, create a profile, bring their fans to request songs, and setup song goals to create music videos. Song Backer has streamlined a way for fans to request or back a cover song to be performed by their favorite musician.
It is not easy for a fan to request a song from a musician they follow and love on YouTube. The only option the fan has is to use the comment system on the video details page, or directly message the musician via their channel. This can be hard for a musician depending on how many fans/followers they have. It can be overwhelming for a musician to sift through hundreds or thousands of comments/messages and know what the majority of their fan base wants them to do/perform.
Song Backer allows the musician to do the exact same thing with a difference. The musician’s fans can go to the musician’s profile page and make a personal song request for that musician to perform using Song Backer’s song request management system. The musician can decide if they want to perform one of the requested cover songs and then use Crowdfunding to earn money from doing that cover song request. Using the request management tool the musician can easily see what songs their fans want to hear the most.
The musician is able to use YouTube to upload and host the video once the goal is complete. This means that if they are a musician that already makes money from Google Advertising, they can also make extra money from having that requested cover song become successful. This allows them to “Double Dip”. Song Backer is not trying to be YouTube. For the majority of musicians trying to make it on YouTube they are not at the point yet where they can earn a living from the advertising revenue. That is where Song Backer shines. Said musician can still benefit from everything they do right now on YouTube, but make money at the same time for cover song music video requests.
Just like on YouTube or any other site a musician uses to showcase their talent, Song Backer offers the same and more. Song Backer allows the musician’s fans to help co-create using a Direct-to-Fan model to help shape what the musician does musically. This allows musicians to create and/or add to their fan base. It also allows the musician to gain more recognition by being seen on a brand new site.