Bored of the same old triathlon workouts? Are you ready for some routines that are going to absolutely blow your mind and put some fresh intensity into your training program. In no particular order of importance, here are 15 of the best triathlon workouts that you aren't doing, courtesy of the Rock Star Triathlete Academy.
1. Treadmill Hiking Sprints You'll never think of a treadmill the same way after this massive leg strength building triathlon workout. Hop onto the belt, and after a brief warm-up, immediately crank yourself up to a brisk walking pace. Here's the kicker: now bring the incline up to somewhere between 9.0 and 12.0 percent. Try to stay on that belt for 5 minutes. Your recovery from this hike is going to be a run. Bring the incline down to 1.0, and pick up a light jogging base, about 55-65% intensity. After 5 minutes, crank yourself back up to your uphill hike. Go back and forth for the time length of your workout, preferably 30-60 minutes.
2. Hulu Movie Endurance Have you discovered all the free movies yet, over at the Hulu website? If you haven't, surf over to the website, find your favorite movie, then set-up your computer in front of your indoor trainer for this longer bike endurance triathlon workout. Ride at your regular aerobic pace while the movie is playing (you may need headphones), but for every 30 second commercial that pops up on Hulu, stand and sprint as hard as possible at 100%. When the movie comes back on, go back into your aerobic pace. You'll squeeze in your favorite flick, and a great workout.
3. Open Water Pool Power Workout This crazy pool based workout will instantly make you more powerful and mentally tougher in the open water. Get out your notepad, preferably the waterproof one. You ready? 500m warm-up. Progress to 1x Death Sprint, in which you go as hard as possible for as long as possible. No rules, but you should be able to last 200-300 yards. Recover 2 minutes, then complete 15 pool-side pushups to a 50m all-out sprint. Recover 45 seconds after each repeat, and do 5 of these. Recover 1 minute. Then do a 50m all-out sprint that you take directly into a 250m "cruise" at about 70% intensity. Do two of these "sprints-to-cruises", and recover 1 minute between each. Then progress to 3x100 "no-stop" intervals, in which you swim a 100m all-out pace, but your recovery is a 50m very easy swim, rather than resting poolside. Next, swim 3x75m with NO turning at the walls - instead, turn at the "T" and use the power of your legs to reverse direction. Recovery on these is a very easy breaststroke or backstroke back to your starting wall. Finally, finish with 10x25 "hypoxic" breathing or as little breathing as possible. 20 second rest after each 25. Whew! That's it!
For more triathlon workout advice check out the Rock Star Triathlete Academy