Drug rehabs are continually recognizing the importance of including family counseling in their treatment programs. Professionals in the addiction treatment profession have long recognized that it is not just the alcoholic or addict who is affected by alcohol and drug addiction, but with the changes in drug usage by the addict, family members must be educated and counseled.
The use of marijuana and the abuse of prescription drugs has been increasing among young people in the past several years. This follows a decrease in the use of these drugs in the past ten years. Alcohol is still the most widely used substance by young people and it, along with cigarettes, is still the gateway drug. These are now being followed by marijuana and prescription drugs.
Cigarette use has been declining dramatically amongst young people – those of Middle School age – by more than 15% to 20% in the past ten years. Parents may be lulled into believing that they have no problems with their children if they see them as not smoking and don’t witness their other drug use or are not aware of the pilfering of prescription drugs from the medicine cabinet. The great exposure to the debate over the use of, and the legalization of, medical marijuana has also affected parents and children by having them believe that this must not the dangerous drug that they once thought that it was if it is going to be legalized. Further, many people do not understand that legally prescribed drugs can be dangerous for individuals other than for whom they were prescribed.
The new White House Director of the Office of Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske, cautions that these misconceptions by the general population means that we will very likely see a continuing increase in the use of these drugs. He states that we must take a strong and comprehensive approach to the prevention and treatment of drug use by young people, and this include education of the family.
This is why drug rehabs are incorporating family counseling more heavily into their programs. Mountainside drug rehab has increased its program offerings through its innovative Family Wellness Program. The program focuses on understanding the disease of drug and alcohol abuse and how it affects the entire family. Family members are encouraged to come in and, with the client, work with family and addiction professionals. As much as the client needs to be educated on the illicit use of drugs, so do the family members.
Mountainside Addiction Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of evidence-based and cutting edge innovative treatment options.
In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical staff, Mountainside’s drug rehab services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with specialization in heroin withdrawal and alcoholism treatment. Psychiatric services are available when needed. Please contact us at the number below or visit it's website at (www.mountainside.com)
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment or if you have questions please contact us at: 800-762-5433