Lakewood, CA 4/9/2007 9:38:22 PM
News / Business

Good For The Country Foundation Launches

Education and charitable non-profit identifies threats to personal sovereignty.

The Good For The Country Foundation announces that it is underway, operating in the public interest on the ideals, values and safeguards forever good for the country herself — essential to our continued way of life in liberty.

Good For The Country’s mission is both a charity of grants and other assistance in civil rights secured by law and our way of life, and as an education font of non-partisan ideals central to individual sovereign authority.

The Foundation specifically works to meet various issues adverse to the country, and to awaken and inspire the modern relevance of original intent of the Founding Fathers to our individual sovereignty.

One such relevance is this: "Our Founding Fathers knew very well what they did not want any more of in the way of abuses of due process," begins Founder and President John Longenecker, "So they crafted a nation with some specific rights to be forever impervious to abuses of due process. The underlying truth is not that they did not anticipate modern technology," emphasizes Longenecker, "but that they did anticipate abuse of due process in any age and every age and wrote words of art against it."

Those values have become proven Safeguards to our way of life, and undermining them in an abuse of due process for political gain is the very kind of adversity they wrote law to prevent.

One of Longenecker’s slogans sums it all up: Nothing puts Peace or Security in its proper perspective than the loss of personal liberty. The looting of the nation continues as if we can somehow keep paying the price in the one and only fee acceptable: personal independence.

As a non-profit, the Foundation may not act to influence legislation, engage in electioneering or be for or against candidates — but it can educate, debate and inspire citizens on the original intent safeguards built into our system and on their ageless and modern relevance to individual households.

The Foundation is truly non-partisan because the safeguard values of privacy, fair play and personal or professional integrity are held precious in reasonable expectation by all Americans as mainstream and not right or left.

The Foundation’s tools are speakers bureau, podcasts, patriotic essays, debate, talkradio and other multi-media, and sometimes grants to other like-minded organizations.

"I received a letter from a reader who thanked me for making the connection between the Bill of Rights and how she runs her kitchen today. Truly, the distinctive feature of the Foundation is that connectivity and modern relevance of sovereignty to how we run our homes. Or not!" notes Longenecker.

Foundation Vice-President John Brantuk remarks, "I was drawn to the Foundation for its interesting insight on issues and very compelling purpose. We’re looking forward to entering the debate on just why individuals of all origins and beliefs here have to surrender more liberty to pay for go-nowhere social programs."

The Foundation is based on John Longenecker’s syndicated feature column Good For The Country, known for its incisive issue spotting and focus.

See the latest edition of Longenecker’s feature Good For The Country at his website at

Visit the Foundation’s website at

Contact: Los Angeles, California 562-925-0652

John Longenecker and John Brantuk are available for talkradio booking on short notice.
