Atlanta, Ga. 12/22/2009 4:26:34 AM
News / Law

California Appeals Court Rejects Roman Polanski Attempt to Dismiss Sex Case

An attempt by Roman Polanski to have his sex case dismissed has been rejected by a California appeals court.


Polanski is currently being held under house arrest in Switzerland after being detained on an international warrant in September. The 76-year-old had been traveling to Geneva to accept a life-time achievement award but was picked up by authorities who insisted they were obligated to act on the arrest warrant.


Polanski pled guilty to having unlawful sex with a minor in 1977 and on the day he was scheduled for sentencing he fled the U.S and moved to France. Extradition attempts have been made but France rarely extradites citizens, making it nearly impossible to apprehend the director.


Over the years Polanski has attempted to have his case dismissed, alleging the original trial was full of misconduct and manipulation, something the California appeals court addressed in their decision. While his appeal was dismissed by the three judges they did say they were “deeply concerned that these allegations of misconduct have not been addressed by a court.”


Switzerland has yet to rule on whether they will extradite Polanski but a decision could be made within weeks.


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