reviewing Akhil Reed Amar’s book, America’s Constitution: A biography (hardcover,
2005), Bryan W. Brickner finds a missing shall and more than just traces of
post-modernism in the post, “Amar’s Absent Shall in America’s Constitution.”
Bryan William Brickner blog is an ongoing resource for the political science of
constitutions; Brickner
has a 1997 political science doctorate from Purdue University and is the author
of several political theory books, to include The Promise Keepers (1999),
Article the first of the Bill of Rights (2006), and The Book of the Is (2013).
absent shall from Amar’s book,” Brickner observed, “undermines his theoretical approach
to the US Constitution. In missing an imperative in Article I (a shall), his
biography reads like a post-modern text – in this case, masking a basic reality
– the constitutional definition of We the People.”
Akhil Reed Amar is an American legal scholar, author of several books on the US
Constitution, and teaches constitutional law as a professor at Yale College and
Yale Law School.
key moment is on page 76,” Brickner explained, “where Amar’s text leads the
reader to a falsehood; when discussing the Constitution’s representation ratio in
Article I, Amar reads shall as ‘should’ and not as a command – a constitutional
legal meaning of shall isn’t contentious,” closed Brickner, “which is why it’s