miami 12/23/2009 6:07:19 AM
Green Smoke Electronic Cigarettes Sell Fast so Act Fast
E-cigarettes are the new high-tech gadget that has attracted the attention of a broad consumer market but with Christmas quickly approaching supplies might not last.
Every year there is some new toy or gadget that sells like wildfire around Christmas time. Everybody wants to get their hands on whatever this new device will be and this year all signs point to the electric cigarette. More and more smokers are looking for healthier and cheaper alternatives to traditional cigarettes and they’ll be asking their families for e-cigarettes this year.
The reviews of the Green Smoke electronic cigarette speak for themselves. Literally thousands of smokers love the idea of being able to light-up wherever they like because there's no actual flame or smoke involved. Many contact the company every day to sing the praises of this product. After all, not only do they love the fact that it's cheaper than tobacco cigarettes, but most enjoy to be Green Smoking everywhere after a meal in a restaurant as well as other no smoking zones. The tangible feel of the Green Smoke electronic cigarette compared to other nicotine delivery devices is also a dream come true for many.
Green Smoke is also commonly know as “The Vapor Munster” a nick name that was given to it, by a long time electronic cigarette smoker. It omits lots of vapor, which gives it a more “real” smoking feeling. The texture of the cartridge is the mouth is also a Green Smoke advantage. Most mouth pieces of other brands are made from cheep plastic, unlike the Green Smoke cartridge, which is made from the finest materials, to give the Green Smoker the best smoking sensation.
They are now running a Christmas sale on electronic cigarette kits, chargers, cartridges and cases. As always, Green Smoke offers its customers 30 days Money Back Guarantee. Today, more than ever, Green Smoke is the natural choice.