Tampa, Florida 12/23/2009 6:52:54 AM
News / Business

The Cost of OxyContin Addiction

Heroin Cheaper than OxyContin

In a recent article entitled THE FINANCIAL COST OF OXYCONTIN ADDICTION, Steve Hayes, Director of Novus Medical Detox Center, discusses the financial cost of OxyContin addiction.  According to Mr. Hayes, a street user could be paying up to $50,000 per year compared to a user getting the Oxycontin by prescription, who would pay up to about $14,000 per year. Even more interesting is the fact that in many areas of the county it is now cheaper to use heroin. ( OxyContin is almost identical to heroin once metabolized by the body)

Quoting form the article  “ According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, because of the competition from OxyContin and other legal heroin alternatives, the purity of heroin has increased from 20% to 60% to 80%.  In many areas, heroin is easier to obtain and much less expensive.  Heroin is often cheaper than marijuana.  In Chicago, a "dime bag," which contains 10 to 12 doses of 60 percent pure heroin, costs just $10.  Much less expensive than OxyContin.

The advantage to the higher purity levels of heroin is that you no longer have to use a needle to inject the heroin in your veins but can snort it.  Of course, heroin is illegal and possession is a crime.”

You can read the whole article here.

Mr. Hayes is director of Novus Medical Detox Center in Florida. Detox from OxyContin at his treatment Center is very common. “We have helped literally hundreds of former OxyContin users relatively painlessly detox from OxyContin and given them their life back, said Mr Hayes.