Atlanta, Ga. 12/24/2009 5:18:57 AM
News / Law

Parents of Balloon Boy Sentenced, Richard Henne Handed 90-Day Sentence

The parents of Falcon Henne, the six-year-old Colorado boy who was believed to be adrift in a helium balloon last October, have been sentenced to a total of 110 days in jail for orchestrating the scam that captured the nation.


Richard Henne was sentenced to 90 days in jail and four years probation while his wife, Mayumi, was handed a 20-day sentence.


Henne apologized for his role in the ploy, saying he was “very, very sorry.” That apology was scoffed at by the prosecutor who argued he should serve a lengthy term to deter future scams. He told the court Henne had “wasted a lot of man power and a lot of money in wanting to get himself some publicity.”


As part of his sentence Henne will be allowed to serve 60 days on release but must serve the other 30 days inside the jail.




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