Drug and alcohol addiction not only affects the individual, it leaves a wake of lies, broken promises, and heartache in its path. Unfortunately this is mostly experienced by the families and loved ones of an addict. A tell tale sign of addiction is when the morals and honesty of the person cease to exist.
To handle this, Narconon Louisiana, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, provides addicts with a common sense guide to life, entitled The Way To Happiness, which allows addicts to regain basic morals that have been lost along the way. Prior to completion of the Narconon program, clients enroll in The Way To Happiness Course that follows a book written by American author and humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard.
This non-religious course is designed to show clients that there is moral code that people live by, what that moral code is, and what types of actions are expected of them in an effort to stop the downward spiral of morals and ethics in our society. Just recently, a new video that accompanies the book has just been released as well. It outlines the entirety of the book going over each precept in the common sense guide that will be used as part of the Narconon drug rehab program. Jeff Lukas, Executive Director of Narconon Louisiana explains “Often times you find that addicts develop a street mentality. This type of behavior encompasses everything from stealing, to all other crimes that are connected to addiction. But the course from The Way to Happiness puts the person back on a road of moral conduct and the video is a very nice addition to a course that has been helping us get great results with handling substance abuse.”
Mr. Lukas goes on to say that now was the right time for this video release as counselors at Narconon Louisiana have seen how much drug and alcohol use increase during the holiday season. The Way to Happiness has been successfully used as part of the Narconon Louisiana program since they opened their doors three years ago and will continue to be used with the new video release of the book as part of the Narconon drug treatment methodology which includes a holistic approach combined with the sauna detoxification program, as well as cognitive therapy. As a result Narconon Louisiana achieves a more than 75% success rate for permanent sobriety.
Drug and alcohol addiction does not have to go unhandled. If you or anyone you know is in need of help please contact Narconon Louisiana at 866-422-4650.