Atlanta 1/21/2014 2:42:30 AM
News / Nature

Find Out How Buying Shade Grown Coffee from World Trader Coffee is a Real Way to Help the Environment

World Trader Coffee offers the largest selection of Shade Grown coffee online. This is important because buying shade grown coffee is a great way to protect the environment. A little known fact about coffee growing is that plants in the shade is actually the traditional method of coffee cultivation. Coffee has actually evolved to be grown in the shade and now offers a promising alternative to other methods of coffee farming.

There are many benefits to Shade Grown Coffee including taste, health, and environmental benefits. Shade Grown coffees simply taste better for one. Coffee beans mature slower in the shade and natural sugars increase and enhance the flavor. This alone is a great reason to buy World Trader Coffee’s Shade Grown Coffee but more importantly, Shade Grown coffee is often organically grown, free from any chemical use. Coffee is sprayed with more chemicals than any other product save for tobacco. If you are looking for a healthy alternative for your usual cup of coffee, Shade Grown Coffee from World Trader Coffee has all you need.

Next Shade Grown Coffee promotes a healthy environment. As mentioned earlier, these coffees required no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Furthermore, these shade trees filter out carbon dioxide which causes global warming and aid in soil moisture retention to minimize erosion. 

One of Shade Grown Coffee farming’s biggest benefits is the effect it has on the rainforest. While chemically dependent coffee plantations suffer from soil depletion and increased erosion, hurting the rainforest, Shade Grown coffee helps keep the rainforest intact in both land and animal habitats. Rather than clearing out trees for farmland, farmers of Shade Grown coffees actually help maintain the environment for migrating bird populations which help decrease the bug population which destroy coffee plants. 

Enjoy the complex flavors of World Trader Coffee’s Shade Grown Coffee and help save the rainforest today. 

World Trader Coffee accepts all major credit cards as well as paypal. 

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For information on these incredible savings and on all our coffee contact us: 
Customer Care staff by phone at 877-303-JAVA (5282).