Lakewood, CA 4/16/2007 10:30:00 PM
News / People

Author and Columnist Launches Patriotic Non-profit Organization

Charitable/Education Foundation identifies and meets adversity to our way of life.

"The Household is the Stronghold of resistance to adversity, nearly any adversity," notes President and Chairman John Longenecker, "and threats to the household are threats to the nation herself."

Nothing new here, until a letter came in: "I received a letter from a reader who thanked me for making the connection between the Bill of Rights and how she runs her kitchen today, a concept she mentions that she was searching for. She called it an epiphany of sorts. Truly, the distinctive feature of the Foundation is not history lessons, but that connectivity and modern relevance of original intent sovereignty to how we run our homes today. Or not!" notes Longenecker. "It's not that the Founding Fathers did not foresee moderntechnology - it's that they did foresee abuse of due process in any age, any era, any government."

"This is important, because much of this connection and connectivity has been obscured as citizens are bluffed out of their personal lawful authority and sovereignty. The foundation’s job is to call that bluff through education in the public interest and sometimes with grants to others." Longenecker says. 

In his regular feature, Longenecker writes about personal and household sovereignty, pointing to dangers in RFID Chips, National ID Cards, education content, anti-family law, eminent domain, and gun control, along with other interferences with the family adverse to our way of life. The Foundation’s mission to meet these adversities as foes of American individual Independence and freedom of household.

Foundation Vice-President John Brantuk adds, "I was drawn to the Foundation for its interesting insight on issues and very compelling purpose. We’re looking forward to entering the debate on just why individuals of all origins and beliefs here have to surrender more liberty to purchase more go-nowhere social programs."

America's core values are mainstream, not right or left, and these are not dictates of morality as attacked, but are proven safeguards of our way of life for all. There's a big difference between preaching morality and sharing protections - connectivity - to our way of life.

"Personal independence is the ultimate safeguard," says Longenecker. "It’s the exquisite way to utterly impeach most if not all of the go-nowhere social policies and philosophies which cultivate dependency with such a very little return. We either hand down these safeguards or we might as well hand them over and be looted."

The Foundation believes that is precisely what is happening, in the form of dependency on agencies – dependency, or else.

The Foundation’s tools are speakers bureau, podcasts, patriotic essays, debate, talkradio, shorts of original content and other multi-media, and grants to other like-minded organizations.

The latest edition of Longenecker’s feature Good For The Country appears at and elsewhere on the world wide web.

Visit the Foundation’s website and 2007 - 2010 Project Page at

Contact: Los Angeles, California 562-925-0652

John Longenecker and John Brantuk are available for talkradio booking on short notice.
