Houston, Texas 4/16/2007 8:38:04 PM
News / Business

Wearing Gold And Silver Jewelry Not Sinful According To ChristiaNet Poll

Jewelry such as gold, sterling silver, wholesale stores, custom handcrafted and fine cubic zirconia are some of the jewelry related articles at http://www.christianet.com/jewelry/.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, gave readers an opportunity to participate in a survey asking, "Should Christians wear jewelry?" A large number of participants don't see anything wrong with wearing jewelry as long as it is done in moderation. One Believer said, "Why not? Everything really belongs to God and I believe He wants us to look our best." Can a person be overcome with greed for the love of gold or silver jewelry? Some readers seem to feel that one's attitude when wearing it should not be to impress others and that Christians should always remember that they should be representing Christ, not themselves. (http://www.christianet.com/jewelry/)

Out of 189 responses, 154 participants said, "yes" to the question. Many in this group feel that wearing silver or gold jewelry is a personal choice, as long as one's conscience doesn't dictate differently. Some Christians suggest wearing pieces that are symbolic of Christianity. One Believer stated, "Yes, a cross or crucifix to make a public announcement that one is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ." A child of God should never wear something that symbolizes evil, such as a skull.

Eleven participants said "no," to Christians wearing jewelry. This group made some points about portraying humbleness and guarding against vanity. One individual said, "No, because jewelry is worn in vain, to get noticed, or to be pretty." Gold or silver jewelry can be too flashy and may be a hindrance in winning others for Christ. Simple adornment is the preference for these participants, not shiny gold jewelry or sparkling stones. One participant in this group did feel that wearing a wedding ring was ok.
Twenty-four people were unsure about this question. While wearing adornments, such as gold jewelry, might not be a sin, every Christian should examine their hearts, before doing so. One Believer said, "It isn't of great importance whether Christians wear jewelry or not. It is the purpose behind their wearing it that matters." The inward condition of the heart is the most important, not outward appearance. Christians should guard against idolatry and obsession with gold or silver jewelry, or anything that could become more important than their relationship with Jesus Christ.  For more information, visit: http://www.christianet.com/articles/

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