Lakewood, CA 4/17/2007 1:47:37 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Author and Columnist Says Congress Shares The Blame For Another School Shooting.

Author, Columnist and Non-Profit Chairman puts a great deal of the blame for every school and workplace shooting on Congress.

Cultural observer and syndicated columnist John Longenecker has been championing against interference with the family on various fronts, and one of those interferences is disarming the law abiding while being entirely unable to touch criminals.

"The result is the one-sided use of force against individuals barred from fighting back," says Longenecker, Chairman of the Board of the Good For The Country Foundation. "The interference with family is to hide from a head of household one’s full lawful authority and to compel individuals to summon police and do nothing in the meantime. This hiding of one’s personal authority is against the nation herself by hiding the ball on how a parent can be better informed in making safety decision about home."

Many officials have an interest in growing crime, as it becomes a payday in the form of prestige, administration of funds and in legacy. Crisis is a very interesting cash crop for unconscionable officials, and fortunately, they are not in very large numbers.

"Not all officials are against personal self-defense in discouraging all personal, legal authority," adds Longenecker, "And it’s down to 2008 candidates to recognize how constituents and not faculty or police are supreme authority in such matters. This is not a guns issue, it’s an independence - liberty - authority issue as another test of our sovereignty in time of crisis."

Congress is very much responsible for every shooting by dint of banning private guns within 1,000 feet of a school. This makes criminals out of parents and a mockery of our being a nation of laws.

How to prepare for these emergencies?

"Don’t bother arming faculty," recommends Longenecker: "The Principal would then be a target or could easily be simply off-campus. The genius of concealed carry of constituents and parents is that the shooter has no idea who is armed and who isn’t, and any visiting parent who is armed could be immensely useful in preventing shootings over psychoanalysis of shooters, counselling for kids, or any other pre-emptive or after-the-fact plan."

Longenecker calls for the repeal of all gun laws because it’s not the law-abiding who are the troublemakers.

Most important, violent crime is not fought by before-the-fact political policy, such as disarming parents– crime is fought instance-by-instance by individual legal authority, by refusing to be a victim, and by answering with good judgment and superior force.

Taking away that anywhere - anytime legal authority of the individual, and that means parents, is merely to make any locale a victim disarmament zone.


John Longenecker is Chairman of the Board of The Good For The Country Foundation.

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