Chicago 1/27/2014 5:00:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Cancer and One’s Cannabinoid System ~ Publius’ January Awareness

With the new year upon us, the authors of The Cannabis Papers: A citizen’s guide to cannabinoids (2011), ask Americans to practice cancer and cannabinoid system awareness in 2014 by doing the political thing – talk about it.

The American Cancer Society reports that in 2013 more than 1.6 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer and nearly 600,000, or about 1,600 a day, died, making cancer the nation’s second leading cause of death. To raise awareness, they focus attention on specific cancers throughout the year: January is cervical cancer awareness month.

“Health is not a vice,” offered Bryan W. Brickner of Publius and The Cannabis Papers: A citizen’s guide to cannabinoids (2011); “Modulating one’s cannabinoid system is part of being healthy and is a key to surviving cancer.”

The post on the Bryan William Brickner blog, “Cancer and One’s Cannabinoid System ~ Publius’ January Awareness,” cites established and new research from the National Institutes of Health (PubMed) and finds a common theme: endocannabinoids (the one’s made by our bodies) inducing apoptosis – cancer cell death.

“Nothing stops cancer like the cannabinoid system,” closed Brickner, “it’s nature’s way ~ and ours.”

Brickner has a 1997 political science doctorate from Purdue University and is the author of several political theory books, to include The Promise Keepers (1999) and The Book of the Is (2013). The Bryan William Brickner Blog is an ongoing resource for the political science of constitutions and the biological science of cannabinoids.