Excessive drinking on New Years can expose a need for alcohol treatment . For many a few drinks on New Years is a long honored tradition but for some it is just another opportunity to drink to excess. How many times in the past year have you had 5 or more drinks in a day? As suggested by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NAMBLA). The answer appears to accurately detect those previously singled out as being an alcoholic about 79% of the time. If you answered more than twice in one year you may have a problem with alcohol www.thetreatmentcenter.com/problem
Dr. Timothy Haydock has seen more than enough results of excessive drinking in his more than thirty years as an emergency room physician. The effects of drinking on New Year’s Eve have meant that Haydock has seen some tragic outcomes. Haydock has been the head of the emergency department at White Plains Hospital Center in New York for more than five years.
"When it comes to partying, New Year’s Eve ranks near the top for people drinking alcohol more than they should," said Dr. Haydock. The consequences of celebrating too much with alcohol can be as innocent as a hangover or as deadly as a car accident.
New Year’s Day is possibly the busiest day of the year at a hospital’s emergency department. People come to the ER with headaches, stomachaches, nausea, vomiting or broken bones.
Haydock says that alcohol poisoning is a real concern. "When the individual passes out and is unconscious, breathing can stop. Or they can asphyxiate on their own vomit."
There is a bit of good news though. In recent years, Dr. Haydock has seen a drop in ER admissions due to increased awareness about Alcohol Treatment. If you or someone you know is having a problem with alcohol we can help at 877-392-3342 or www.thetreatmentcenter.com