San Diego 4/20/2007 10:37:35 PM
News / Education

The Pass It On movement gains momentum as elected officials recognize the power of people helping people.

Pass It On.. More than a movie...It's a movement!

The Pass It On movement gains momentum as elected officials recognize the power of people helping people.

Fairfield Mayor Harry T. Price presented Pass It On co-producer Scott Evans with a key to the city and a proclamation to officially declare April 18 as Pass It On Day. 

"I'm honored to give Scott the key to the city. They are on a mission to motivate young people to achieve their dreams," the mayor said.

"The message that the film promotes of hard work, dedication and believing in yourself deserves public recognition. This key is a symbol of the doors that it will open for everyone, but especially the children who through hard work will be able to go everywhere."

This monumental proclamation comes just weeks after film star Wil Cason began leading Pass It On workshops to the Junior ROTC students at Fairfield High School. And local business executives are noticing the importance of this production, as well. High school senior Julie Phan was presented with the Harry T. Price essay contest, for her essay on the power of mentorship. She and a friend scored a VIP trip to Las Vegas to attend the Pass it On World Premiere thanks to Travis Credit Union, one of the film's sponsors.

 "We were involved in this project because of our policy of social responsibility," said Patsy Van Ouwerkerk, chief executive officer of Travis Credit Union.

"The theme of the movie is people helping people and that is consistent with our own mission."

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman is also planning to declare Pass It On Day in his city. Goodman will proclaim May 10--the date of the film's Red Carpet Gala at Brenden Theatres at the Palms--as Pass It On Day in Las Vegas.