Lakewood, CA 4/21/2007 10:45:25 PM
News / Kids

The School Shootings Solution: Not Guns, But Citizen Authority.

Some of the greatest objections to these shootings is the frustration of citizen involvement from the process of disaster planning and actual intervention.

Author and syndicated blog feature columnist John Longenecker's latest piece expresses concern that citizens will yet again be frozen out of the disaster planning of future school shootings.

"For all the lip service officials give in disaster planning and preparedness," says Longenecker, "the end is always the same: Don't do anything until we get there, and where help is delayed, the disaster is aggravated."

And school shootings are a disaster.

'Forget the psychoanalysis and the predictions of future shooters," Longenecker says, "The issue is not how to see them coming, but to stop them."

Longenecker points to citizen authority and how officials hide this authority in a curious practice of discouraging people from defending themselves or defending another. It seems the law is alive and well on this everywhere except on school campus and workplace. How is this possible? And why?

Catch Longenecker's observations and solutions at and elsewhere around the web.

This week's Talkradio appearance is KLAV, Las Vegas, Wednesday the 25th at 11 a.m.

John Longenecker is author of the book The Case For Nationwide Concealed Carry.

Contact: John Longenecker, Los Angeles.