Los Angeles, CA 1/9/2010 9:40:14 AM
News / Law

Judge Carter's Court in California process-served by American Grand Jury

Presentments were process-served upon two US District Courts in Southern California.

The Super II Grand Jury Presentments were process-served upon two US District Courts in Southern California.

PR logoPRESS RELEASE: January 8th, 2009 by American Grand Jury

The Super II Grand Jury Presentments were process-served upon the US District Court, Central District, Western and Southern Divisions, by Armando Carranza, an American Grand Jury member.

American Grand Jury filed this report along with posting a personal letter from Armando on our main website: http://AmericanGrandJury.org/a-day-in-the-life-of-one-american-grand-jury-member

Copies of Armando Carranza's serves:

Western District Court

Central District Court