Atlanta, Ga. 1/12/2010 5:38:08 AM
News / Business

Branding Your Business with Search Engine Marketing Applications on Networking Community Site WooEB

Branding your business with search engine marketing applications can be a daunting task as many of the tools available are spread out across the Web. Many businesses turn to one site to upload their videos, another site to post their blogs, another to distribute their news, another to network with followers and still yet another to advertise. These are just a few SEM applications and already your on five different sites and managing five different accounts.


Designed to solve the hassle of juggling multiple accounts on numerous sites, WooEB offers the most popular marketing applications on the Web in one spot. As a social and business networking community WooEB provides members with the ability to upload their videos and pictures, post their blogs and upcoming events, submit company news, connect with friends and followers through their “Right Now” status, display company information and customize their profile with their own banner advertisements.


This last feature, known as the ADit application, not only provides an excellent advertising option but also serves to prevent competitor ads from appearing on the profile.


With the ability to upload banner adverting through the ADit application a profile becomes the perfect billboard for an online marketing campaign. These banner advertisements will display on all pages within a profile, meaning the more content posted on a profile the more the advertising appears.


An exclusive banner advertising campaign on WooEB includes three banners (each with a designated URL); a160x600 skyscraper and two 300x250 panel banners. From a profile “home” page the skyscraper banner appears while on individual pages within the profile the two panel banners appear. These banner ads can be changed at any time, making them a perfect tool to announce a sale, act as a coupon, promote an upcoming event or cause or whatever the company or individual chooses to highlight.


Create you profile within the WooEB community today and build your Web presence within a matter of minutes.


To learn more about the services of WooEB or for additional information concerning the site please contact:



500 Bishop St. F9

Atlanta, Ga. 30318

404.352.4949 (t)

404.355.9546 (f)