Houston, 3/29/2014 2:15:01 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Join the Thousands of Satisfied Customers Using Twist 25 DHEA Cream

DHEA is a very important building block in our bodies and one of the most abundant. Twist 25 is a bioidentical DHEA cream developed by a physician to combat the effects of aging that most of us want to avoid. With Twist 25 DHEA cream you will have more energy and drive during the day, sleep better at night and improve your overall general health so that you look and feel your best all day, every day. Get results and make Twist 25 bioidentical DHEA cream a part of your daily routine. 

Twist 25 is a highly absorbable bioidentical DHEA cream that is made with the the absolute best plant sourced ingredients and pharmaceutical grade bioidentical DHEA. This makes Twist 25 DHEA cream the highest quality DHEA cream possible after years of experimentation, testing, development and refinement. 

DHEA is made internally up until age 25. This is when we make the most DHEA, it is considered to be our prime. After age 25, our natural DHEA production starts to decline, this is where Twist 25 comes into play. Thanks to its development as a cream, it is able to be absorbed directly into the thin vascular skin where research has proven most DHEA metabolism to occur. Oral DHEA does not make it this far as most of the useful DHEA is destroyed in the liver. As a bioidentical DHEA cream, Twist 25 circumvents this problem by being applied directly to the skin. 

After a few short weeks of twice daily applications you should start to notice subtle differences in your mood and the way you feel. Some of the benefits may include more energy, deeper sounder sleep, soft, smooth, hydrated skin, better mental focus, less belly fat and more sex drive. 

Twist 25 DHEA cream is becoming readily available in more retail stores, thanks in large part to the dedicated team at KeHe/Tree of Life Distributors. Retailers can now get Twist 25 DHEA cream at wholesale price for resale through KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors (Item #80330). 

Or, retail stores that do not order from KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors can call Health2Go directly at 281-772-0316. Health2Go actively drives product demand in retail stores, doing numerous national health radio talk show interviews and advertising.